News & Events
February 2021
Dear Parents & Guardians,
We are almost ready to reopen and hopefully all will go smoothly as we transition to 100% capacity.
This month’s Newsletter is purely dedicated to the necessary precautions we have in place to keep ourselves safe and to ensure our school is Covid-19 free and open.
Please look carefully at it, follow the links and watch the videos with your son or daughter.
If we work together and follow the advice all will be well!
Thank you for taking this seriously.
Stay safe,
Mrs. Waters
Returning to school Framework Plan
A framework has been developed by the DES in order to achieve a phased return to in-school provision for children with special educational needs.
The framework is an interim arrangement. Under the framework the following phased return to in-school provision has been agreed:
Phase 1: Special schools will reopen from Thursday 11th February 2021. In accordance with this agreement pupils will attend on a 50 per cent basis to allow for attendance of reduced numbers within the school setting. This will be reviewed in line with public health advice.
Phase 2: Primary Special Classes will reopen from Monday 22nd February 2021.
Under Phase 1 of this interim arrangement , Our Lady of Fatima School, will reopen as follows:
1. Thursday 11 February: return for classes and personnel in J2, J4, M2, M4, S2, S4.
Due to mid-term break these groups will next attend school on:
Mon 22. Wed 24, Fri 26 February and every second day until the full reopening of all schools.
2. Friday 12 February: return for classes and personnel in J1, J3, M1, M3, S1, S3.
Due to mid-term break these groups will next attend school on:
Tues 23, Thurs 25 February and every second day until the full reopening of all schools.
Return to School Declaration Form:
Parents are requested to complete a declaration form for children returning to school after any absence.
Please click on the link below to access this form
BACK TO SCHOOL ADVICE – Click on the button below to access information for students, parents and families from the DES
Common symptoms of Covid-19:If any of these symptoms are present children should NOT attend school
- A fever (high temperature – 38 degrees Celsius or above)
- A new cough – this can be any kind of cough, not just dry
- Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties
- Loss or change to their sense of smell or taste
Parents and Guardians are asked to have a heightened awareness of signs, symptoms or changes in baseline which suggests illness/Covid-19 infection. In addition to this, children should stay at home if feeling unwell in general. A precautionary approach should be taken at all times!
Help to stop the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and other viruses and bacteria by cleaning your hands properly. Use soap and water and/or alcohol hand sanitiser to clean your hands regularly.
Hand hygiene is important at all times, with particular emphasis on boarding a bus, on arrival at school, prior to departure, before and after meals. Please click on the button below to view the HSE video on “How to wash your hands”. Please emphasise the importance of this with your child.
Respiratory Hygiene and Cough Etiquette
Face masks/coverings
COVID-19 is mainly spread through close contact and droplets that come from your nose and mouth. For example, when you cough, sneeze or talk loudly. Wearing a face mask/covering reduces the spread of these droplets. It also helps stop the spread of the virus from people who may not know they have it.

The Department has published guidance setting out the practical steps for good ventilation in accordance with public health advice ‘Practical Steps for the Deployment of Good Ventilation Practices in Schools’
The guidance sets out an overall approach for schools:
- Windows should be open as fully as possible when classrooms are not in use during break-times (assuming not in use) lunch-times (assuming not in use) at the end of each school day
- Windows should be partially open when classrooms are in use.
- Good ventilation can be achieved in classrooms without causing discomfort, particularly during cold weather.
Remote Learning
Each class will continue working as they have been for the last few weeks with Remote Learning, taking place either in school with staff, at home when peers are in school, or at home while everyone in the class is on a home-based learning day.
Return of school books
Students should not bring in School books (or any other item) unless specifically requested by class teacher. If required to do so, please place in a clean plastic bag and label with your child’s name. Anything brought into school will be put into isolation for 72 hours. Please check you child’s class platform for further information (i.e. Class Dojo; Seesaw or Microsoft Teams).
NOTE: There will be NO EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (provided by external agents) during this Interim period. These include Drama, Stretch and Grow; Horse-riding class etc. Please do not send in any monies to school in the meanwhile.
There will be no absolutely NO ADMITTANCE to anyone other than the necessary personnel into the school for the time being. Please contact the school by telephone or email if necessary. You can also contact your child’s teacher using class platforms, -(Class Dojo, Seesaw or Microsoft Teams).
Your understanding in this matter is greatly appreciated.