News & Events
January 2021
Dear Parents & Guardians,
We looked forward to the end of 2020 and the hope of better things to come in 2021.
Here we are in the first month of the new year and all is not as we had anticipated.
Out of nowhere, we got the devastating news that Mikey Kehoe in Middle 1 had passed away on 15th January. We will always remember him fondly. We pray that he is happy in heaven and we offer comfort to his parents in their loss of such a beautiful individual. Rest In Peace Mikey.
Boys and girls, parents and guardians, thank you for the great effort you are making in managing remote learning. Things are far from ideal at the moment. It is hard not to see your friends on the buses and in school. Try to make a routine for your day and do the best you can. We all miss school but we will be back in the classrooms soon.
Looking forward to our return!
Stay safe and well,
Mrs. Waters
Covid-19 Vaccine
UPDATE – 5 Marathons/5 Days
OVER €14000 RAISED !!
Huge CONGRATULATIONS to Lorraine and Anthony on their amazing completion of 5 marathons in 5 days raising in excess of €14000 for our Sensory Garden. The final tally will be revealed when all monies are collected upon our return to school. A big heartfelt THANK YOU to them both for giving their time and energy for a truly worthwhile cause. In addition, we would like to extend our gratitude to Chris for his participation in The 12 Runs of Christmas, which contributed to the success of this entire event.
To all the parents, friends, staff, businesses and the Wexford community in general, we acknowledge and appreciate all of your kind and generous donations. Thank you to everyone involved in making the fundraiser happen. We look forward to beginning our Sensory Garden Build later in the year️
Please checkout Fatima Fundraiser page for videos of the event and students participation!
Staff Lámh Song – You’re a Superstar!
The story continues ……….
As was reported in the December Newsletter, the entire school staff at Our Lady of Fatima, was involved in recording a Lámh song to acknowledge our wonderful students. We chose the song, “You’re a Superstar”, as it reflected exactly how we feel about each and everyone of them. It was great fun recording the video. We wore our Christmas outfits and danced while doing Lámh signs to the song. There was a lot of time spent editing the video before it was ready to be released! It was worth it, as the students loved it! A big thank you to both Emily and John T for making it happen!
The video became very popular on social media and as a result we received quite a lot of publicity. This included an interview on South East radio with Alan Corcoran – Well done John!
Click on the links below!
Included below is a lovely message from the lead vocalist Simone Denny, Love Inc.
A message from Simone Denny – vocalist with group – Love. Inc
Remote Teaching and Learning – Around the classrooms.
Senior 3
The students in Senior 3 have been working extremely well at home. Students are completing work in their English and Math activity packs, daily activities on SeeSaw and reading galore on Epic each week! The students are completing a variety of life skill activities. Cooking and baking skills are also under way! We have our video calls twice or three times a week, where we hear all the news! Here are some pictures ……..
Senior 2
We have been busy with live classes – logging into Microsoft teams and attending lessons this way.
We are working on completing our Geography CBA – geography in the news and we are concentrating on the weather in particular.
We are continuing our lessons on the French Revolution and the Irish Rebellion in History.
We have had our breaks in supervised breakout rooms on MT.
We had a fun science class whereby we tried to blow up a balloon with a mashed banana!!
Next week we are doing some baking and we are bringing it along to “class”.
We are running a class competition for the most steps and we also opened it up to the Senior School.
Activities are found in their assignment section of teams and student answer questions via the chat !
We have had some general knowledge quiz questions too! It is good to be busy!
It has been very successful although we miss each other greatly
Middle 1
A big clap for M1 on their amazing engagement in remote learning this month.
Students in M1 have been incredibly busy with their school work at home. Everyone is working so hard on their reading, math and written work!
Emily has been putting up Life Skills videos incorporating Lámh signs and also doing fun videos everyday such as ‘guess the Lámh sign?’ It’s so important to continue using Lámh as much as possible at home!
Chris has been busy doing exercise videos for dojo and encouraging all the students to get fresh air and exercise daily!
We have been getting a huge amount of photos from parents of the students doing their school work and also taking part in life skills and exercising. Thank you for your continued support!
Senior 1
Here is a picture of students from Senior 1 who meet every Friday for a quiz! It is great fun! It is important to meet and connect! It is important for our Wellbeing to stay in touch!
ASD Groups
Ms Sheehan has been chatting regularly with her students through Zoom. They have started covering the topic of ‘taking care of ourselves’ and have focused on ‘the importance of sleep’ and ‘things we can do to get a good night’s sleep’. They had a group yoga session where they went though some of the yoga moves that help to calm and relax the mind.
Junior 1
Here are some examples of fine-motor work from Junior 1 – sorting, threading, cutting, colouring and making sets. Lots of “hands on” work!
Can you spot the picture of the class taken during a recent “Zoom” call?
Middle 3
There has been wonderful student engagement with remote learning in Middle 3. Students have been following a weekly timetable reflecting all subjects within the JCl2 curriculum. In addition to this that have been meeting on Microsoft Teams three times per week for online PE workouts, online bookclub, a Kahoot weekly quiz and eTwinning activities. They are currently working on “science outside” activities for one of their eTwinning projects – “Adventurous Learners”. They are making birdfeeders from recyclable materials. The aim is not only to feed the birds during this cold period but also to be able to recognise and identify common Irish garden birds.
Junior 2
Below are some pictures of J2 during this period of remote learning! We’ve been doing lots of work on our number stories, letter formation and rhyming words. Lorraine has also been motivating everyone to get fit this January with some amazing exercise videos. The kids are also having lots of playtime, to help them relax after a hard day’s work! Well done!
Senior 4
Alongside our JC work, Senior 4 are participating in the “Incredible Edibles” Project as part of Life skills module. We are also counting our steps and following the ‘Jump into January’ Active School challenge. We met on Microsoft Teams for ” Just a Minute quiz” on Friday and Alanna was the winner. There was great excitement!
Below are some pictures of activities we are involved in.
Middle 4
The students in Middle 4 have been engaging in their online learning through Microsoft Teams and also the online learning platform Seesaw. Students have been working hard everyday on their school work and are meeting on Microsoft Teams with Ms Harpur and Mary as well as engaging with Mrs. Elliott and Ms Gallagher for cookery and art. So far, students have made a lovely healthy breakfast and lunch under the instruction of Mrs. Elliott. Middle 4 will also be involved in a keep Well project with Wexford Library in February. The project is titled “Animal Crackers” and will be three bespoke live online events with lots of fun facts, quizzes and activities presented by the very talented author Sarah Webb and author/illustrator Alan Nolan. We are looking forward to these events. Well done Middle 4 on all your hard work.

Home Economics – In YOUR kitchen!
Life goes on in HOME ECONOMICS, except everything is happening in your kitchens, instead of the school. M4 has studied healthy breakfast and lunch choices (see pictures above!). One week they each made a healthy breakfast, and proceeded to eat it. They also made a healthy lunch. They ate that too. It was wonderful to see the variety of choices and the students working so independently. A big thank you to the parents for their support in the kitchen.
S1 has been very busy too. Baking the perennial favourite, Brown Bread! We also made the classic Macaroni and Cheese Bake. Everyone was very proficient in their home kitchen. It’s been nice to chat with the parents as well.
Serious preparation has begun on the CBA. Each student will prepare one of their recipes for their exam one week and the following week, the second recipe.
Good luck S1! You’ve got this.
Art with Ms. Gallagher – M4 and S1
Here are some examples of the wonderful pieces that have been created by Middle 4 and Senior 1 this term.
Junior 4
Junior 4 are embracing remote learning. They have been involved in many activities including exercise workouts and cooking. Look, someone enjoyed the recent fall of snow!
Middle 2
Middle 2 have been very busy learning remotely and concentrating on their Junior Certificate Level 2 course.
Students have used a variety of ways of completing and uploading work on their ClassDojo Portfolios, using pictures, videos, worksheets and word documents.
Within our Numeracy lessons students have learnt about weight and they have found some interesting things to weigh for example:
• Bridget discovered her face mask weighs 11 grams
•Grace discovered her mobile phone weighs 200 grams
•Sinead discovered her remote weighs 65 grams
•Taidgh discovered his wrestler weighs 100 grams.
Students have also been phoning their friends, as part of a “Mindfulness” task!
In conjunction with this, as a class, we have been staying connected, through “Zoom” classes!
Take a look at M2 ‘in action’:
Junior 3
Junior 3 are using ClassDojo as their platform for remote learning. It has been a great way to upload the wonderful work that they have been producing.
Keep it up!
Active Schools
Students throughout the school have sent in some fabulous sporty pictures of themselves engaging in a variety of fun activities!
Remember to get outside for fresh air every day or do some exercise indoors if it’s raining! No excuses!
For the remainder of our time engaging in remote learning, here is a grid of fun activities to keep The Daily Mile interesting and fun at home!!
Don’t forget to keep skipping and practice your hops!
The Daily Mile Challenges
Week two of our Daily Mile Challenges! Here are three activities for
you to complete this week –
‘The Mobot’, ‘Silly Hair Day’ and ‘Train
Remember to send pictures of yourselves doing these fun challenges to
your teacher.
February Mid-Term:
Monday February 15th to
Friday February 19th Inclusive.