News & Events
December 2020
Dear Parents & Guardians,
It’s Christmas!
We’ve been back for over 15 weeks at this point. It’s been a long, hard struggle but together we’ve altered, adapted and made things work.
Full credit must go to you, the parents, for being patient and understanding, to the amazing staff in Our Lady of Fatima School, for their determination and positive attitude and most of all to the best students in Ireland who have shown resilience and good will. We salute you all!
May I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and every health and happiness for 2021?
Most sincerely,
Rita Waters
Chief Medical Officer Dr. Tony Holohan last week issued an open letter to parents/guardians of schoolchildren, asking them to make a plan for a safe Christmas.
A Magical Christmas at Our Lady of Fatima School
Our Lady of Fatima School has been a hive of activity for the last few weeks, as staff and students have created a unique and truly wonderful Christmas atmosphere. It all started when a group of elves were spotted decorating the Christmas tree ………………
Encouraged by this, Junior 3 designed and sent Christmas cards to the residents of Castle Manor Nursing Home. Indeed all classes created cards that were distributed to people living in nursing homes in Camolin and Castlebridge. A very happy Christmas to all of you!
The Christmas Decoration Competition, run by Middle 1 added to the sense of excitement. All entries were completed by December 4th and displayed in the hall. A huge effort was made by each class in our school. The decorations look amazing! The whole school voted for their favourite creation, using an online system. Well done to every class.
And the winner is ……………….
The enchanting Christmas ambience was heightened with the installation of a beautiful Christmas Wonderland. This was donated by Liam Fitzpatrick’s (M1) grandfather, Tony Fitzpatrick. Mr. Fitzpatrick very kindly decorated the courtyard with a magical Christmas theme for all the children of Fatima. A fabulous surprise for them!
Christmas truly arrived with the production of The Nativity.
Junior One and Junior Two had great fun rehearsing and performing the Nativity this Christmas. They really enjoyed learning the story about the birth of Jesus and loved wearing the costumes and acting. All the children learnt their lines very well and gave a super performance on the day. We are so proud of them! Definitely some stars in the making.
The fun and joy continued with ACTIVE SCHOOLS!
Santa Dash
Students and staff enjoyed a festive Santa Dash during the week! Each class went for a walk strutting their stuff while wearing their Christmas jumpers and hats! Everyone had great fun and laughter was heard everywhere!
We have entered an Active Schools competition on Twitter to win sports equipment for our school! Hopefully, we will win!
Have a look on the school Twitter account- @FatimaSchool4
The Daily Mile
It’s time to celebrate!
“The Daily Mile gets children out of the classroom for fifteen minutes every day to walk, run or jog, at their own pace, with their classmates, making them fitter, healthier, and more able to concentrate in the classroom.”
The students and staff at Our Lady of Fatima have received ‘The Daily Mile Flag.’ We achieved this from all the walking, jogging and running we have been doing over the past year. We completed not one but two major walking and running events; ‘Couch to 5K’ and ‘Fit February.’ This is a great achievement!
It is super important that we continue with our walking, jogging and running, especially after all the Christmas Mince Pies!
Attention: Active School Leaders make sure that you and your classmates get outside for a quick walk every day.
Congratulations to all!
Remember to get out for fresh air over the Christmas holidays!
Fatima FM
For the month of December, Fatima FM became Fatima Christmas FM. We have been greatly entertained by both of our resident DJs and the chatter and laughter that has filled the corridors and classrooms is testament to this. During each show, there have been numerous birthday and song requests, shout-outs, riddles and jokes. In addition we have had the infamous, “Just a minute quiz”, where staff members have attempted to answer correctly as many questions as possible, within the 60 second time limit. There has been great competition, culminating in the crowning of the ultimate winner last Friday. Ms Niamh McCormack took home the coveted title, with Mr. Lehane in second place. Well done… not an easy feat!
Furthermore, students took part in a game where they had to solve clues in order to discover who was the “Secret Elf” amongst the staff. Grace Cogley in M2 was winner of the first round. She was very quick off the mark, using her investigative skills to work out the answer.
A big thank you to Ms Weld and Ms Sheehan for their hard work on the airwaves. We look forward to more broadcasts in 2021!
A visit from Santa on Monday 21st December, 2020 concluded our Christmas Celebrations. It surely was a Christmas to remember in Our Lady of Fatima School, as all students received a gift from the man in red.
A visit from Santa on Monday 21st December, 2020 concluded our Christmas Celebrations.

Christmas – The season of Goodwill – very much alive in OLOF
Clodagh, a student from Middle 1 had her very long hair cut up in a short bob AND donated it to to The Rapunzel Foundation. The Rapunzel Foundation is a charity organization that works to improve the lives of those living with hair loss through fund raising as well as through hair raising.
Such a kind thing to do ❤ Well Done Clodagh!!!
Middle 4 make delicious puddings as gifts for family!
After baking yummy apple and almond muffins, making delicious vegetable soup, the cookery class made beautiful Chocolate Biscuit Christmas Puddings. We felt we (and our families!) deserved a sugar hit after being so good all month. We’ll be back to our healthy eating habits in January. In addition, Senior 1 has been assigned their topic for research for their Home Economics CBA. Hopefully they will gather their information over the Christmas break.
Our Sensory Garden fund is well on its way to smashing it’s target.
Please check out our Fatima Fundraiser Page on Facebook (Click below) where information and photos are shared daily.. You will also be able to track the progress of our runners! Please continue to help us by sharing, liking and inviting your friends to our page. Thank you so much for all your generosity & support to our cause so far. Look out for our January 2021 Newsletter, when we will post results and final tallies!
LÁMH – Christmas Songs
Our Lady of Fatima school has been fortunate to be chosen to partake in a schools pilot project for Lámh. Over the last few months we have been using new resources provided to us. Students and teachers have been actively participating and providing feedback on these resources. Both Staff and students have recorded songs using Lámh It has been an educational and rewarding experience for all.
Please click links below to view the wonderful videos created by our students!
Junior 1
Junior 2
Junior 3
Junior 4
Middle 1
Middle 2
Middle 3
Middle 4
Senior 1
Senior 2
Senior 3
Senior 4
On the first Sunday of Advent, the Very Rev James Fegan of Co. Wexford, celebrated Mass live in the Kairos studios, Maynooth, Co Kildare. Credo – a local singing group sang during the service. One of it’s members is Ms Clara Murtagh, a teacher in our school.
We would like to wish the pupils and all the staff of Our Lady Of Fatima school a happy Christmas with good health for the coming New Year.And finally…..A Tribute to all the wonderful students in Our Lady of Fatima School from all the staff. Have a wonderful Christmas, we are so proud of you all!
A big thank you to both John and Emily for their hard work, putting this together!