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Listed are the Educational Programmes currently offered in Our Lady of Fatima School. Each programme is designed and delivered in a manner that ensures inclusivity and accessibility to all students. A UDL (Universal Design For Learning) approach is encouraged in order to achieve this.

At Our Lady of Fatima School, the student and their voice are central to the learning experience. We believe that when students actively participate in their education, they become more engaged and motivated learners. To foster this, we provide various platforms for student expression, including student councils, classroom discussions, and feedback surveys. Our programmes across the Primary, Junior, and Leaving Cycles are specifically designed to amplify student voices at each stage of their educational journey. In the Primary Cycle, we focus on building confidence and communication skills. The Junior Cycle encourages critical thinking and collaborative projects, while the Leaving Cycle emphasises leadership and independent learning. By valuing and encouraging student voices through these tailored programmes, we create a dynamic and inclusive learning environment where every student feels heard and empowered.

The autism support role at Our Lady of Fashion School is dedicated to the inclusion of autistic students and understanding their emotional and sensory needs.

Following school policy, the support teacher conducts sensory audits and uses NCSE-recommended approaches, addressing the environment, visual aids, and stressors to help students regulate and settle in, making the curriculum accessible. This role includes group work and one-to-one sessions, focusing on social communication skills, sensory breaks, and functional living skills. By providing tailored support, the school ensures a supportive and inclusive learning environment for all autistic students.

Resource teaching at Our Lady of Fatima School encompasses both literacy and numeracy and is offered on an individual basis or in group settings. It serves children across all ages, from junior to senior levels. The provision of resource teaching is determined through a combination of formal assessments and informal evaluations, alongside teacher observations. This comprehensive approach , as per school policy. ensures that support is tailored to the specific needs of each student. By integrating these varied assessment methods, the school effectively identifies and addresses learning challenges early on.

All school leavers that intend to engage with Adult Day Services or Rehabilitative Training are assigned. Forms are filed and individual interviews are held. This will ensure that students receive the necessary funding for their next placement.

Students in the Senior section of the school engage in the School Leavers Ability Project. This programme begins with students in VT, PP5 & PP6. This project is run through the School Leavers Ability Project based in New Ross. Students attend meetings with Amy Liston (Wexford Area Officer) The aim of this project is to assist with the transition from school to their next placement. Parents/Guardians are advised by school and attend all relevant meetings.

The Post- Primary School includes classes from Post-Primary 1 up to Post-Primary 6 classes. There is also a Pre-Vocational & Vocational Training class. Junior Certificate level 1, 2, Level 3 and Leaving Certificate Applied are offered to students. Classes are differentiated to ensure an inclusive and accessible educational experience for students at post-primary level.

Junior Cycle:

Level 1: There are six Priority Learning Units (PLUs) at the heart of every L1LP. These PLUs explicitly identify and develop the key areas of learning needed to prepare the students for their future lives. Though presented as self-contained units when used as part of a learning programme these PLUs interconnect and overlap. There are 6 PLUs which include: Communication, language and literacy; Numeracy; Personal care and wellbeing; Being part of a community; The arts & Physical Education

Level 2: Level 2 Learning Programmes (L2LPs) and qualification are targeted at students who have general learning disabilities in the higher functioning moderate and low functioning mild categories. There are five Priority Learning units at the heart of this Level 2 Learning Programme. These prepare students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult and working life and lifelong learning. The five PLUS are communication and literacy, numeracy, personal care, living in a community and preparing for work. Students must also complete two short courses as part of the JCL2 curriculum.

Level 3: This is offered in parallel to the Level 2 programme. Students participate in specific elements of the courses available that best suit their individual educational needs. Students are challenged to work to reach their full potential whilst being mindful that the students are enjoying their self-paced learning. Subjects offered are Home Economics, Art, Woodwork and English. These subjects are taken at common and ordinary level.

· PP1: Level 2 & 3 (English, HE Theory, Art)

· PP2: Level 2 & 3 (English, Woodwork Theory, Art, Home Economics)

· PP3: Level 2 & 3 (English, Woodwork CBA1, Home Economics CBA1, Art CBA1)

· PP4: Level 3 (English CBA2, Woodwork CBA 2, Home Economics CBA 2 & Art CBA2. Final Exams will take place in PP4.

Vocational Training Class: Senior Cycle level 2 and/or a school leaver’s programme can be provided to students in the Vocational Training class. This class allows for students to engage with a programme that suits their learning style. The Senior Cycle Level 2 Learning Programme (SCL2LP) consists of a range of curriculum areas, each designed on a modular basis. There are six curriculum areas at the heart of the SCL2LP: Numeracy; Communication and Literacy; My Life, My Finance; Personal Care; Preparation for Life after School; and, Electives.

Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA): LCA is offered to PP5 & PP6 students. It aims to get young adults ready for work and/or further education. It is a 2 year course. There is a different way of achieving your Leaving Certificate and this is it. Lots of Projects, interviews and tasks as well as exams. Subjects include: English & Communications, Mathematical Applications, Hotel Catering & Tourism, Leisure & Recreation, Horticulture, Information & Technology, Social Education, Active Leisure Studies, Vocational Preparation, Career Guidance, Work Experience, Drama/Music.

Click on the following LINKS for more details on each individual programme:

Junior Cycle | Curriculum Online

LCA | Curriculum Online Senior Cycle | NCCA

Our Primary School consists of Junior Primary, Middle Primary, Senior Primary classes. Included is Preparation class, that offers a transitional pathway to the Post-Primary school. All subjects of the Irish primary curriculum including Irish Culture are taught. These subjects are broken down into Learning Outcomes and taught at the student’s own pace with wellbeing and learning towards independence at the forefront. Aistear is used in the primary school and learning through play is integral to both teaching and learning.

Literacy, Numeracy and SPHE are the 3 main subject areas with great focus on phonics, read along and early numeracy skills. SPHE and life skills are also seen as crucially important.

We provide a broad range of extracurricular activities for our pupils including Forest School, swimming, gymnastics, GAA, Drama Art and horse riding. We also incorporate and encourage Lámh, coupled by Visual Learning Aids as an important means of communication.

The Primary Curriculum Framework | Curriculum Online

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