News & Events
Halloween 2021
Dear Parents & Guardians,
Welcome to the first edition of our Newsletter for the academic year 2021/2022. This year the newsletter will be sent to you on a half-termly basis. Also, I would like to let you know that our new website is up and running (Click on the link at the bottom of the newsletter).
We have had a very successful return to school. A term filled with positive learning experiences for the entire school community. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. We wish you a enjoyable mid-term break!!
Happy Halloween!!
Glenda McKeown Principal
Halloween Student of the Term
Junior 2: Jason Hartigan
Well done to the following students who received a certificate and prize at the Halloween Prizegiving Ceremony:
Junior 3: Stephen Furlong
Junior 4: Mia Dixon
Middle 1: Pearce Barry
Middle 2: Chloe Wilburn
Middle 3: Sean Furlong
Middle 4: Oona Keevey
Senior 1: Ella Doyle
Senior 2: Kevin Kinsella
Senior 3: Jennie O’Brien
Senior 4: Debbie Pitcher
Junior 2
Junior 2 have been very busy and have been working so hard in school this year!
Our first Aistear theme was Myself/My home, the children enjoyed role playing the different members of the family in the kitchen. We did some sensory play while bathing the babies in the warm, soapy, scented water. We also made some dinner using playdoh as part of our creative play.
We had a film crew visit us in school on the 8th of October to film an episode of Dizzy Deliveries. The children were very excited and enjoyed filming with the camera crew. Delivery man Joe made the day particularly enjoyable by doing lots of silly things to entertain us. The show will be out next year and we will inform you of a date nearer the time.
As a special treat we went to Ballycross Apple Farm to see all the pumpkins that we have been learning about in school. We picked a pumpkin to bring back to school with us to carve.
Junior 4
Junior 4 had a great start to the new school year! We were honoured to do the very first live virtual assembly! We all introduced ourselves, we said the poem ‘Back to school’ by Kenn Nesbit. Amy informed us on the Covid rules and then we finished with some funny jokes!
GAA coaches were in teaching us some key skills, such as catching and throwing a ball, kicking a ball and running. It was loads of fun.
We went to Ballycross Apple Farm last Friday. It was a lot of fun! We seen lamas, goats, geese and an emu! We went on a bouncy castle and we went go- carting! We even walked to a village where we saw houses and shops belong to witches!! We then walked to through the pumpkin field, where we picked out our class pumpkin. We walked by an apple orchard where we seen all of the apples ready to be picked.
Senior 1
Senior 1 have been very busy this term. They have put a lot of effort into their Home Economics and Art lessons. Students have begun their CBA’s (Classroom Based Assessments). The class went to the local tennis club and really enjoyed their lessons with some pictures below.
Senior 2
Senior 2 – Opera Festival Art Tour
Senior 2 took time out of their busy schedule to appreciate some art that was on display for the festival. Below are some pictures of the event.

School Donations

Our Lady of Fatima Schools Tennis
The school’s tennis coaching restarted in September. Classes Middle 4, Senior 1 and Senior 3 visited the local tennis club for coaching and lots of fun tennis. A big thank you to Wexford Harbour Boat and Tennis Club for providing court access and facilities to our school. Also a big thank you to the Club for their donation of tennis balls for our students.

Parents Association
The Parents Association would like to thank everyone who attended the recent PA AGM, and would like to extend an invitation to the next Parents Association meeting on Tuesday the 2nd of November at the Maldron hotel located at the Barntown round about. The meeting will start at 11am to allow parents that can not get to evening meetings.
Ms Sinnott will do a presentation on the literacy program. If any parents would like to get involved in the Parents Association contact details:
0852334494 Terry,
0857126589 Corrina.
The Parents Association would also like to invite parents to upcoming coffee morning at the Cowhouse Cafe, Courtown Rd, Gorey, Thursday the 21st at 11am all welcome.
Kind regards
Terry Whitty
Digital Technology News
New Promethean Interactive white boards have been installed in the Senior classes 1-4. They are a fantastic development and aid in helping the delivery of the Junior Certificate Level 3 programme.
Activities and Sports
It is wonderful to see many activities back up and running for our students to enjoy. We now have horse riding, GAA coaching, tennis, drama and forest school up and running and over the coming weeks we are hoping to have tag rugby and dance sessions going on too.
Ms Sheehan

Home Economics
Students in Senior 1 and Middle 4 have been very busy in the kitchen with Ms Elliot passing on her skills. Look at those delicious cupcakes!!!!

Return to school – Monday 1ST November 2021