Aladdin and school platforms
Aladdin is the main communication platform that is used in Our Lady of Fatima school. We will endeavour to send messages via Aladdin between the hours 8:30am – 17:00pm. However, due to certain circumstances it may be necessary to send messages outside of these hours.
We would appreciate it if these hours were respected. Should you need to contact the school outside of these hours please ring the school office on 053 9123376 or send an email to
Aladdin is the school platform that we use for correspondence with parents regarding Absenteeism, e-payments, summer reports and general school messages e.g.: School closures, important parental information.

Class Platforms used for daily communication between class teacher and parent as follows:
- Junior Primary – Preparation Class use Class Dojo as their classroom platform. This platform is used for parent/teacher daily communication.
- Post Primary 1 – Post Primary 3 use Seesaw as their classroom platform. This platform is used for parent/teacher daily communication.
- Post Primary 4 – Post Primary 6 use Microsoft Teams. This platform is used for parent/teacher daily communication.
Within the LCA classes Microsoft Teams is also used for communication between students’/teachers/ SNA’s. Homework is also sent via Microsoft teams as well as storage of assignment and ePortfolios.
Please note: Messages sent through classroom platforms are sent, only between the hours 8:30am – 16:00pm
Sometimes, especially when we change our mobile phones or mobile numbers, it may be a little tricky getting set up again on Aladdin. As we feel it’s very important for us to stay in contact with one another, we would be delighted to help you get set up or re-set up as needed. Please contact Aladdin co-ordinator Ms Bridget Leacy who would be happy to help this process: