News & Events
Spring 2022
Wellbeing Quote for February –
Don’t tell me the sky’s the limit when there’s footprints on the moon.
Dear Parents & Guardians,
Welcome to our Spring Newsletter. We have had a busy and productive time in school, since our return following the Christmas holidays. As you are aware, the Covid-19 guidelines have stayed the same for special schools and we await an update from the DES at the end of the month. We will inform you of any changes but for now, we thank you for your cooperation in ensuring OLF remains safe and operational. Below you will read of the many activities that have been happening: Green schools initiative; Student Council elections; eTwinning promotional video; Erasmus KA1 mobility, planting in the garden etc. None of this would happen without the input and dedication of our very committed staff. We hope to continue and add to the variety of activities offered by the school in the term ahead, so keep an eye on Aladdin and/or your child’s class platform.
I wish everyone from the entire school community, a relaxing and enjoyable mid-term break.
Kind regards
Junior 2
We have been having a super time learning how to dance with Johnny. We look forward to our class with him each Wednesday and are so excited to learn more moves for our dance.
We took a trip to Min Ryan park as a treat for working so hard in school. We had a great day playing and got lots of fresh air.
We have done lots of artwork for Spring and Valentine’s Day. We hope you all like it.
Junior 4
Middle 3
Middle 3 class are in the middle of Horse-riding and they are having a great time. They are learning all about how the horse is minded and what food the horses eat. Everyone of the students adore horse-riding and you never know they might make great Jockeys!!!!!
Ms Murtagh was away for a few weeks and Ms Carter did fantastic work in the class when she was away. They finished a project on The Oceans of the World which is up on the board for all to see. They presented their projects on video and Ms Murtagh was very very impressed with their work. Ms Carter did a Valentine Box for all the students, which will be given to each student on Valentines day to share the love amongst each other. Each box is full of treats and surprises for all in the class.
The class took part in an art competition for the Green Schools which Ms Kent is running. The Theme of the Competition was “Ground Water, Our Hidden Treasure”, they really enjoyed that also. Dancing classes has commenced as well as soccer. The students are really looking forward to their Mid-Term as they all need a well deserved break and Patricia the class SNA is about to fall down after all the work they did over the last term.
Senior 1
Senior 1, returned to school after a well deserved break and continued working at pace particularly now that they are heading towards accomplishing their learning goals in their Junior Certificate Art and Home Economics subjects.
In Art, the students completed their portfolios, with their artistic talents really coming to fruition in the amazing work they are producing.
In Home Economics, the students made the difficult decision with regards the choice of meal to cook for their practical element of their examinations. They showed great maturity and decision making in deciding on their meals.
The students researched the dietary needs and nutritional requirements of their task and matched them to the meal they are cooking. See pictures of Lee’s, Eddie’s and Abigail’s macaroni and cheese meals.
The student’s decided as part of Wellbeing within the school they are going to choose a student or staff member to cook their meal for and provide them with a first class service. Fingers crossed they pick you!!
Senior 1 read different genres of books when they visited the local library.
The students tennis skills continued to develop and particularly their timing was getting better each week, as they undertook their tennis lessons at the local club.
Senior 3
Senior 4
Senior 4 Newsletter Items Jan/Feb
- Senior 4 have been preparing for when they leave school by visiting different further education centre’s in Wexford.
- On Tuesday 8th February students travelled to Intuition in Enniscorthy for a presentation.
- Student Council: The Student Council Virtual Election took place 14th January 2022.
- A suggestion box has been placed in the hall for staff and students to put in their suggestions. David Brown, Chantelle Campbell and Muireann Hore were successful Candidates.
- Senior 4 took part in a Live Wellbeing Webinar.
- Senior 4 are attending Soccer in North End and Tennis every week.
- Students in Senior 4 have been enjoying a little bit of freedom by going out to An Boker Nua for lunch every Friday.
Numeracy Support
Since Christmas all the children in the Junior classes have been having extra support for Numeracy with Ms Shannon. The children are withdrawn individually or in pairs. The work they cover is the same topic as they are doing with their teacher that week. They have extra time for hands on activities when concepts are revised and consolidated.
Here are some pictures of the children engaged in their work.
Green Schools
Parents Association – News
Terry Whitty message to our school community.
We have an upcoming parents association meeting on the 9th March @ the Maldron hotel at 11am, all are welcome.
We will also be looking for as many volunteers as possible to assist at the Church Gate collections this year. The collections will go on throughout the County from early March to Easter and any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Monies raised going towards supplementing activities within the school.
The Parents Association would also like to thank everyone who contributed to the raffle at Christmas which was a great success.
Over 8 thousand euro was raised for the refurbishment of the playground.
The Parents Association would like to thank Corrina Ormonde for all her hard work as secretary over the last few years, as she steps down from the position.

A big welcome back to Ms. Harpur who resumed teaching in Middle 4. Thanks Ms. Harpur for organising the Safer Internet Day and arranging for Garda David Fitzgerald to visit the school and support the student’s online knowledge and awareness. The students learnt a lot of valuable tips on how to stay safe online.
Erasmus KA1 Mobility
Ms McCormack is going to undertake an exciting visit to the Netherlands in April as she has been successful in securing a place on the KAI course on Innovation in Dutch Education.
The School was awarded an eTwinning National Thematic Prize (Apple Store Gift of €500) for the entry of Mrs McKeown and her students into the competition. Well done!!!!
The school has been offered to part-take in a promotional video for eTwinning later in the next term. We will get a visit from Leargas and present our schools long history of success in promoting and learning from eTwinning.
Wellbeing Committee
The school had its Whole Staff Meeting on the 16th of February. A big thanks to Ms Leacy and Ms Harney for organising such a lovely Wellbeing Treat of delicious foods for all staff.
Student of the Term – February
Well done to the following students who received the student of the term award at the February Mid-term Prizegiving Ceremony:
- Junior 2: Aoife Leacy
- Junior 3: Kacie Meyler
- Junior 4 : Sophie Saunders
- Middle 1: Lauren Pettitt
- Middle 2: Clodagh Darcy
- Middle 3: Sinead Martin
- Middle 4: John Doyle Flood
- Senior 1: Katie Webster
- Senior 2: Jenny Keeling
- Senior 3: Ella Bates
- Senior 4: Nicky Kemp